The Story Behind: "PRESS"

inspiration press staff blog

One recent evening, after an online class, I sat feeling exhausted, disconnected. After months of COVID-19 “closing outside”, changing out routines as we all knew them – kryptonite for us Taureans – I hit a tough spot. Not to mention, working from home while managing to keep my son entertained, fed, loved on, and on some semblance of his daycare routines. While managing to keep MY household sane and healthy, Black people were disproportionately infected with the virus in major cities across the country, including my hometown of Detroit. Historic, systemic racism squared up with ‘The Virus’ – a sick competition of dominance (though not mutually exclusive). The more Black women and men’s names became hashtags, the heavier I felt.

This intersectionality is real and raw.

As I sat drained and questioning, the chorus of Fred Hammond’s ‘I Press’ played in my head. I wrote out the word, then expanded it into five actions to lift myself out of the rut…because resilience seeps through my pores.

Persist. Resist. EXIST. Survive. Strive.

There’s fire behind these words. A burning that breaks through barriers. A knowing that you are GREATER than any force that seeks to steal your Light - and you dare not give in. BEING: living, breathing, doing, standing in your truest self. Withstanding the odds against you. Exerting energy into achieving your highest GOOD.

When heavy sits on your head: PRESS! Reconnect with who and whose you are! You are here. You are valued. You are gold. -TRW

PRESS Collection. August 2020.

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