Re-Opening Labor Day 2024!!!

Pause for...

February 2023 Pop Up!!!

One of my goals was to do more pop-up's in 2023!! Well, happy to share that our first stop is happening Saturday, February 11, 2023 -- and at such a beautiful event! Details, below: From Event Hostess, Author Crystal Love: Join us for a morning/afternoon of Prophetic worship, brunch, powerful speakers, ladies talk- Q & A , “Adorning Ceremony, and much more! We ask that all ladies wear shades of pink 2624 Lord Baltimore Dr. Milford Mill, Md 21244 11am to 3pm TOPICS: “Why did I get married?” “Grieving over the past love” “Identifying the counterfeit” “When the thrill is...
New as a Neophyte after the ProShow!!!

New New....joggers and such!!

I am grateful for YOU!! Periodt. Mmmkay??? 😊 We've got a few new pins, restocks and new apparel this month that will make great stocking stuffers and gifts. Even if you treat yo'self!!! Get into these joggers, though!!! They are soooo comfy! They'll sell out, too....mark my word! ~Tenaeya