Shop Fall Discounts!! No Code Necessary!!!
Shop Fall Discounts!! No Code Necessary!!!
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Checking In!!

Hey Hey! 

How are you doing?  No, I mean it.  Take a moment to reflect over how you are doing.  How are you "being"?

Breathe in...breathe out. 

Just a quick note to share my gratitude for your support in the shop -- and for reading these blogs.  The release of the new keychains and patches comes on the heels of a few big things happening in my life:  my birthday was just five days ago and I recently finished a butt-kicking semester of my doctoral program.  I am grateful that the Shop remains as a creative outlet and means of connecting with each of you.  It is my hope to be a source of light-heartedness in the midst of BUSYness - and hope - in the face of seeming defeat. 

God's got us. 

We got us. 

We gone be alright! 

~Tenaeya RW, Owner, Purrfect TEN Swag Shop

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